オーガニックコーヒーの消費者満足度予測モデルの提案                     Consumer Satisfaction Prediction Model for Organic Coffee: Analyzing Web Customer Reviews in the Context of Sustainability and E-Commerce Growth                 


Sustainability has rapidly gained significance, with prominent environmental effects resulting from factors such as rapid population growth, climate change, and resource depletion. Particularly, there is a growing interest in sustainable agriculture, with organic farming gaining attention. Furthermore, COVID-19 has had a substantial impact on the global economy and society, leading to the rapid expansion of the e-commerce (EC) market. These changes bring forth both new opportunities and challenges.Hence, this study proposes a consumer satisfaction prediction model using web customer reviews, with organic coffee as a sample product. Initially, reviews are categorized into topics using an LDA topic model to identify factors influencing satisfaction. Subsequently, based on the identified factors, a survey is conducted to construct a consumer satisfaction prediction model.As a result, keywords in the reviews include ‘taste,’ ‘aroma,’ ‘decaffeinated,’ ‘expiration date/freshness,’ ‘sale,’ and ‘gift/sending.’ Among these, the variables ‘decaffeinated,’ ‘sale/discount,’ and ‘gift/sending’ are highly significant with substantial coefficients, indicating a strong impact on the satisfaction of online organic coffee consumers. This suggests the potential to offer new possibilities in online retail, such as developing new products and formulating sales strategies.






熊 海鵬・四木 稜馬・徐 維那


日本マーケティング学会 – カンファレンス2023 (j-mac.or.jp)


熊 海鵬、四木 稜馬、徐維那(2023)オーガニックコーヒーの消費者満足度予測モデルの提案、第12回マーケティングカンファレンス2023、東京、日本
