アップサイクル食品のパッケージラベルをデザインしよう                   Designing Package Labels for Upcycled Food Products in Japan: Case Study of Broccoli Stem Snack



This study addresses the growing interest in upcycled foods as a solution to food loss by focusing on designing more appealing package labels in Japan. Through an online survey, we collected data on consumer attitudes and perceptions toward upcycled foods. We applied factor analysis to identify key factors and cluster analysis to segment consumers into distinct profiles. Using these insights, we conducted a choice-based conjoint analysis to extract the package design attributes most valued by consumers. Our results highlight key factors influencing purchase intentions, including food safety, innovation, and eco-friendliness. We identified two main consumer profiles: sustainability-focused and quality/safety-conscious, and innovative and socially engaged. Food safety emerged as the most crucial factor affecting purchase willingness, followed by product image and environmental considerations. The study emphasizes the importance of transparent, sustainable, and visually appealing package design in influencing consumer decisions and building long-term loyalty toward upcycled foods in Japan. 和訳して、タイトルもつけてください。


Journal of Food Products Marketing


Designing Package Labels for Upcycled Food Products in Japan: Case Study of Broccoli Stem Snack


Yuna Seo, Ryota Mori




Seo, Y., & Mori, R. (2024). Designing Package Labels for Upcycled Food Products in Japan: Case Study of Broccoli Stem Snack. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1080/10454446.2024.2389268