3Dプリント食品をマーケティングする ~Understanding of Understanding consumer acceptance of 3D-printed food in Japan~


The global market for innovative food technologies is expanding. 3D-printed food is one such technology, presenting benefits such as personalized nutrition and optimized use of food resources, which can reduce waste. This study explores the factors that influence consumer acceptance of 3D-printed food in Japan, offering essential insights for developing market strategies. We conducted a survey among Japanese residents and developed a consumer acceptance model using structural equation modeling. This model emphasizes the significant influence of social media usage, environmental consciousness, perceived benefits, and interest in innovative foods on the intention to purchase 3D-printed food. Our results indicate that a strong affinity for information through social media can heighten environmental awareness and perceived benefits, leading to increased purchase intent. Furthermore, an interest in new foods can boost the intention to buy 3D-printed food. Notably, environmental consciousness can indirectly affect acceptance through perceived benefits. The potential to reduce food loss may appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. Based on these findings, we recommend that future marketing strategies for 3D-printed food in Japan underscore its environmental advantages and utilize digital media to improve consumer acceptance.


Journal of Cleaner Production


3Dプリント食品をマーケティングする Understanding of Understanding consumer acceptance of 3D-printed food in Japan


Yuna Seo, Ryoma Shigi




Yuna Seo, Ryoma Shigi(2024), Understanding consumer acceptance of 3D-printed food in Japan, Journal of Cleaner Production, 454, 14225.